You’re about to take your precious little puppy out for a walk. As soon as you clip on that leash, they turn into a little biting machine. and, your puppy keeps on biting on a Leash. The next thing you know is that a little tug of war has started before you could even take him out.
We know that it’s not a pleasant experience as it is quite uncomfortable. It can create certain doubts in your mind, you may even think of giving the puppy back to the shelter out of impatience and frustration.
Those tiny teeth can leave some unwanted marks. Hence, it’s necessary to address this behavior early on to keep everyone safe and ensure that walks remain a pleasant experience.
In this guide, we’ll unravel the root causes of this puppy behavior and equip you with certain techniques to tackle this common puppy behavior. Without any further delay, let’s dive right into the article.
Is Puppy Biting on a Leash Normal? Why do They Bite?
Puppy biting on a leash is to some extent considered normal behavior, especially during the early stages of leash training. Puppies often explore their surroundings with their mouths. and, since the leash is a new and interesting object for them. They tend to bite it for the purpose of exploring it.
However, if it becomes excessive, and aggressive, or causes issues during walks. It may indicate a need for further training and behavior modification. Consistent training techniques can help teach your puppy appropriate leash manners and reduce excessive biting. Don’t forget the rewards or just a belly rub to appreciate them if they listen to your commands well.
Why do Puppies Exhibit Leash-biting behavior?
Let’s first explore the reasons behind puppy biting on a leash. The following reasons contribute to it:
1) It’s Their Natural Instinct
It’s a natural instinct for puppies to want to explore their surroundings and interact with their environment.
When you’re walking them on a leash, they’re likely to get curious about their environment, and puppy biting on a leash is their way of exploring and interacting with the world around them.
2) The Concept of the Leash is New to Them
When a puppy is introduced to a leash for the first time, it can be a new and overwhelming experience. It’s like stepping into another world.
Since they want freedom and are naturally curious, they may feel restrained or confined. This can result in them biting on the leash as their way of expressing discomfort and frustration.
It’s all part of their learning process and figuring out this unfamiliar object in their lives. But with some gentle guidance and training. They’ll eventually understand leash is meant for something else. He will gradually adjust to it without feeling overwhelmed.
3) They May be Excited
When puppies are taken out for a walk, they come across a variety of stimuli that excite them. This could be something as simple as a bird flying by or a car driving past.
In their excitement, they may pull on the leash. It can result in them biting it. As they continue to pull and bite, they may become more and more excited and overstimulated, leading to further such behavior.
4) They May Think it’s a Toy
When puppies start biting the leash, it’s because they may think it’s a toy, as they see it as an object to engage with.
Puppies explore the world around them through their mouths, and everything becomes fair game for them to investigate. The leash, being a new and intriguing item, naturally captures their attention.
Additionally, puppies have a strong instinct to chew during their teething phase, which typically starts around three to four months of age.
Chewing helps relieve the discomfort caused by their incoming adult teeth. So, when they bite the leash, it might be a combination of curiosity and teething relief.
5) They Want Your Attention
Puppies are naturally social creatures and crave interaction with their human companions. Sometimes, they resort to grabbing the leash and giving it a little nibble as a way to initiate play or seek your engagement.
They might have noticed that when they bite the leash, you react or give them some attention. So, it makes them show this behavior.
6) They’re Habitual of Keeping Anything in Their Mouth
Some puppies have this habit of always wanting to keep things in their mouth. So, when they find themselves on a walk without any toys or objects to chew on, the leash becomes their go-to item.
It’s not that they’re necessarily bored, but rather it’s a natural instinct for them to explore the world through their mouths. It’s their way of satisfying that urge to chew and engage with their surroundings.
What’s the Solution to a Puppy Biting Leash?
Let’s move forward and find the solution. and see how to stop a puppy from biting on a leash Some of the following strategies will help you in preventing it.
1) Choose the right kind of leash
Using the right kind of leash can help prevent those little chompers from going to town on it. Some leashes are made of materials that are more resistant to puppy teeth such as a sturdy nylon or leather leash.
They tend to be more durable and less tempting for your furry friend to nibble on. Plus, they’re easier to clean in case of any accidental drool incidents.
Additionally, having a sturdy leash means you won’t have to worry about it breaking mid-walk and your pup running off like a rocket.
2) Don’t try to Tug Back
When your puppy starts biting the leash, tugging back must usually be your natural first response. It’s possible that your puppy may perceive it as a game so he starts to pull back, resulting in biting the leash, as a response.
In this case, If you tug back, you’re essentially encouraging him to keep biting, as the behavior pays off when he gets to “play” with the leash.
In contrast, if you instead remain calm and motionless, your dog will eventually learn that there are no rewards available for this behavior, and will hopefully stop doing it.
Use redirection and positive reinforcement to deal with it.
One way to use redirection is to distract your puppy with a toy right after they bite the leash to shift their focus away. After that, immediately reward them with a high-value treat which is your puppy’s favorite but he doesn’t get it often. This way you’d be ensuring that you’re not making treats a reward for them for biting the leash.
You can also try tugging gently on the leash in the opposite direction of where your puppy is pulling. This can help redirect their focus and energy towards something positive. It’s important to be consistent with these techniques and to always follow them up with praise and treats when your puppy behaves appropriately.
3) Make Sure Your Puppy Responds to Your Commands:
Practicing command exercises with your puppy is crucial to teach them proper leash manners and discourage biting.
When you engage in command exercises, such as “sit,” “stay,” or “leave it,” you establish yourself as the leader and reinforce obedience. By consistently practicing these commands during walks, you can redirect your puppy’s attention away from biting the leash and towards following your instructions.
This helps create a positive association between walking on a leash and obeying commands, making it less likely for your puppy to resort to biting.
Mentally and physically stimulate your puppy before taking him out for a walk:
Mentally and physically stimulating your puppy before a walk is important for a few reasons.
First, it helps burn off excess energy, making them less likely to engage in unwanted behaviors like leash biting.
Secondly, it keeps their mind occupied, reducing the chances of them getting bored and resorting to leash biting as a form of entertainment.
To stimulate your puppy mentally, you can engage in interactive play sessions, introduce puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys that require problem-solving skills.
For physical stimulation, you can play fetch, go for a short run together, or even set up an obstacle course in your backyard.
By providing both mental and physical stimulation prior to the walk, you’re setting your puppy up for success and increasing the chances of a calm and enjoyable walk without any leash-biting issues.
4) Use a chew toy
This is specifically useful in case your puppy is habitual of keeping something in his mouth.
When a pup has something else to chew on, it helps redirect its biting instincts away from things they shouldn’t be munching on, like your precious leash. It’s like giving them a tasty distraction that keeps their jaws busy and satisfied.
It’s also helpful in case your pup is teething. Teething pups often express discomfort by biting or chewing on hard objects, including their leashes.
When they’re feeling sore and sensitive in their mouths, they may latch onto the leash as a means of soothing themselves. It’s a natural response, but what they don’t realize is that they’re causing discomfort to their owners.
By redirecting their chewing instincts to a chew toy, you’re giving them an appropriate outlet for their teething needs. When those little teeth start coming in, it can be pretty uncomfortable for our furry friends. That’s where chewing toys come in handy.
They provide a safe and appropriate outlet for your pup’s chewing needs. The toys are designed to be durable and help soothe their gums while also keeping them entertained.
5) Observe What Triggers Your Pup
Observing those triggers can actually help us come up with strategies to prevent our adorable little puppies from turning the leash into their personal chew toy.
By understanding what makes them go all chomp-chomp on that leash, we can find ways to get to the root cause to put a permanent end to this problem.
It’s like cracking the code to their leash-biting behavior and finding the perfect solution to keep them focused on walking instead of gnawing.
Wrapping it Up
We’ve reached the end of this article on stopping puppy biting on the leash. Now that you’ve got all these tricks up your sleeve, it’s time to put them into action.
Remember, consistency is key when it comes to training your adorable puppy. Make sure you start your puppy’s training early as it can have profound effects on his later life. Don’t forget to seek professional help when needed. They’ve got the experience and know-how to teach you even more techniques and strategies to nip that behavior in the bud.
With a little patience, love, and a few tasty treats, you’ll soon have a well-behaved pup who walks beside you like a true champ.

Dr. Haider is a general doctor with a unique level of connection to our four-legged friends. He is a valued contributor to our Website (Leash and Lope). Dedicated to providing accurate to dog owners in understanding and caring for their lovely pets.